Indonesia resmi menutup rute Jakarta-Surabaya-Jakarta (CGK-SUB-CGK) pada tanggal 15 Januari 2025. Padahal, rute ini baru dibuka BBN pada tanggal 27 […]
5 Padu Padan Outfit Tahun Baru yang Cocok untuk Hijabers,Anti Ribet dan Nyaman
Tahun baru sudah dekat, saatnya kamu menampilkan penampilan baru dengan pakaian yang cantik dan nyaman! Buat Muslimah, cari baju yang […]
4 Cara Hemat Listrik, Bikin Tagihan Listrik Tak Lagi Mencekik
Daya listrik dan jumlah dasar pembayaran listrik menjadi penentu tagihan listrik kita. Namun, di satu sisi kita juga harus terus […]
Discover another face of South Africa: 5 adventures off the beaten track
In South Africa, the greatest adventures can always be discovered beyond the well-known routes. In these pristine territories, five exceptional […]
Ben Hunt: Too old? Nonsense, now is the perfect time for Hamilton to join Ferrari
He turns 40 years old tomorrow and as he marks another completion of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, he […]
Body heat could be the next big renewable after scientists invent ultra-thin tech to power wearables
Portable electronic devices powered by human body heat are another step closer to reality following a significant design innovation. You […]
Bill Gates quietly makes a $373 million bet on recovery of struggling sector that he thinks will boom in 2025
He has taken a bold risk, investing $373 million in two major transportation companies in a sector that has been […]